Sunday, June 14, 2009

Create Better Images Workshop

Over the weekend I attended the Create Better Images Workshop hosted by a couple of my photography idols, Jennifer Bowen and Kimberly Jarman. If you follow my blog (If you do I totally love you!) you know that I design wedding albums for a couple of local photographers. Jennifer is one of them and she has the most amazing images. This workshop was a perfect opportunity to learn from the best!

We did a mock shoot with a family.

Jen and Kim talked a lot about using natural light and avoiding the use of flash if at all possible. It was great to be on location with them and compare camera setting and images.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures capturing a little mother-daughter time…without using a flash of course!

Love a cute pair of shoes!

There were about 15 other photographers shooting all at the same time. When this little guy finally looked at the camera you could hear everyone’s shutters firing like crazy!

Big sis was totally over the photo shoot by this time.

The workshop also touched on using Adobe Lightroom. Until now I have used Adobe RAW and Photoshop, but I think I might make the switch to Lightroom.

Here is one more of my favorite images that I touched up while learning Lightroom.

I also learned that I should be using 72 DPI for my blog images instead of 200-300 (whoops). Hopefully this will make viewing the images a lot faster!

We also did a practice bridal shoot and I will be posting some of those images soon.

Thank you Jen and Kim for sharing all of your awesome knowledge and for being so down to earth.


  1. I follow your blog! I love it! ;-) 4.5 more months!!

    I love the pic with the brother and sister's facial expressions, too cute!

  2. Thank you!!!!!! It is so great to know that someone is reading this! I am so excited to shoot your wedding!

    Ali Girl Photography

  3. Oh yeah I have told coworkers, friends, etc. I have sent them your blog. I just love your photos and book layouts! :-)

  4. Great shots! The emotion in that last one totally rocks :)

  5. Love love LOVE your mom & daughter capture. Awesome job.

    I'll definitely keep you in mind when I need album work done too! :)

  6. I love your photos. I'd love to take a workshop with Jennifer and Kimberly.
